The QUADWORX®XL milling system has already convinced many practical users with its exceptional cutting rates in high-feed roughing applications.
Our innovative cutting materials, developed specifically for step and slot milling, now make QUADWORX®XL even more versatile. In this insert-tool combination, they are equally suitable for fine machining. Our new shoulder face milling inserts with a corner radius of 1 mm and the system-typical arrangement of four cutting edges each, are ideally designed for XL toolholders, thus allowing high cutting depths also in this application.
Roughing and finishing using only one toolholder
Two different technologies can now be realised using only one toolholder type with diameters between 32 and 100 mm, covering both roughing and finishing operations. Whether high feedrates when roughing with high-feed inserts, or large cutting depths when finishing with shoulder face milling inserts – our flexible system guarantees extraordinarily high cutting rates in every situation. We offer appropriate cutting materials with material-specific geometries for the roughing and finishing of steel, stainless steel, cast iron and high-temperature alloys.
With our new XL inserts for step and slot milling, and the newly gained flexibility they bring, our proven milling system has further extended its reputation in terms of predictable efficiency.
The POKOLM application engineers would be pleased to demonstrate the outstanding cutting rates of this economic wonder, also in connection with your specific step and slot milling applications.
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